Opel Manta
MantaWorld - For fans of the Opel Manta

Opel Manta Models

Revell Opel Manta GTE (Revell) 1:18 die-cast model

Revell model Opel Manta GTE Revell MonogramThe Revell model Manta GTE has been around for a while now, released in about 2002. It's a die-cast 1:18 scale model of the GTE with moving parts such as doors, bonnet (hood) and the steering wheel actually moves the wheels. They're available in white or yellow and have twin lamp kits, 400 mirrors, GTE spoiler and are left-hand drive.

They are good quality, though prone to having glue marks on them - watch that the foil mirrors don't fall out and keep an eye on the bee-sting aerial at the back of the roofline - they can fall out.

And don't let kids anywhere near them. I have to fend off my 3 year old nephew who cries everytime, but I'd rather he blubbed than my pristine model got damaged.

I bought mine from an independant model shop but you can find them on eBay.co.uk Don't pay silly money for them - Someone tried to charge nearly £40 each for these but you can usually obtain one for about £20 plus postage and packing.

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