Opel Manta
MantaWorld - For fans of the Opel Manta

Opel Manta

Happy New Year 2006

Happy New Year to all you Opel Manta and classic Opel fans out there. It's been a weird 2005 with not a lot of Opel actvity on my behalf, the V8 Exclusive GTE is still sat in the drive and awaiting some very much needed TLC whilst very pressing business and personal matters take precedent.

However, let's hope that 2006 sees the beast on the road and we can get to some shows plus here's hoping the garage gets tidied up at long last. We may need to shift a few more of those spare parts after the roof went to a Manta 400 project last year. Just need to get rid of all those bonnets taking up valuable garage real estate.

Anyways, all the best to you Manta, Opel and car nuts for 2006 :)

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